Participant will pay for their place on Retreat via debit or credit card through a third party payment processor. Payment is processed by third party payment processors, and their personal information is processed in accordance with Company Privacy Policy.
If paid in full:
Participant will pay Host in full prior to start of Retreat. Participant will not be enrolled in Retreat until Host has received Participant’s payment in full.
If paid as “Payment Plan”, or Deposit, with instalments:
Participant will pay Host a first payment, or Deposit, prior to the start of Retreat to secure their place. Subsequently, Participant will automatically be charged monthly by Host for the length of Payment Plan chosen by Participant, through Participant’s chosen payment method, on the date of the first payment made, for each consecutive month of the Payment Plan thereafter. Cancellation of the Payment Plan is not permitted.
If Participant’s payment method is declined in any way, Host or Host’s payment processor will notify Participant and Participant will have 2 days to pay the full amount owed. Failure to complete payment may result in place on Retreat being forfeited until the balance owed is paid.
No refunds will be issued for any reason for any payments.